"Every year, we treat thousands of injured and orphaned birds and mammals with the aim to rehabilitate them back to their natural habitats".
If you are stuck for gift ideas or would just like to buy yourself a gift, then how about sponsoring a species at the hospital. As well as solving your gift problems, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are
helping to provide care to a patient at Brent Lodge.
When you sponsor an animal you are helping towards the costs of looking after all the animals of your chosen species here at the hospital. Your donation will support our efforts in a very significant way and help us to save wild animals who are sick, injured or orphaned.
Any wildlife-lover would love to receive this as a gift, so please do consider sponsoring a patient in our care by simply clicking on your chosen species. You will then be taken to a separate donation platform where you can make a secure payment and complete your details to receive your sponsorship pack.

Hedgehog numbers are in dramatic decline, mainly due to habitat destruction and human influences. We treat over 500 hedgehogs a year. Many become victims of road traffic collisions, infections or nasty garden injuries. Veterinary treatments and surgeries may be required. They are also in our care because they are orphaned or too small to survive hibernation.

Ducks are often treated for injuries caused by road traffic collisions, attacks by aggressive members of their own species or pet attacks. Hundreds of orphaned ducklings are admitted into our care during the busy summer seasons. Sadly, they also fall victim to fishing pollution by swallowing or becoming entangled in discarded hooks or lines.

Each year we treat dozens of sick, injured or orphaned foxes. They often require surgery or treatment for injuries caused by road traffic collisions, infections, mange or litter entanglement. Cubs can become orphaned or abandoned as a result of parents becoming sick or injured. Expert rehabilitation of cubs is vital for their long term survival.

We receive a large number of wild rabbits during the course of the year. Baby rabbits arrive in spring and require regular feeds and care. Our incubators provide a safe and warm environment for babies to de-stress and stabilise. Many adults are victims of road traffic accidents, pet and predator attacks as well natural diseases. On arrival sick or injured rabbits will need antibiotic treatment and veterinary surgery.

Garden birds mainly come into our care during the summer months as orphaned or abandoned babies. They have often fallen from nests or have been caught by cats, dogs or predators. When baby birds come in they are very tiny and do not know how to feed themselves so many will need hand feeding until self sufficient.

Each year we receive a huge number of injured owls, hawks and falcons requiring care. Many have been entangled in netting or wire, poisoned by toxic chemicals, involved in road traffic collisions, collided with power lines or simply orphaned or abandoned. Our outside flight enclosures provide an ideal space for owls and other birds to rest and recuperate prior to being released.

Deer are incredibly shy and fragile creatures. They often arrive in our care due to road traffic collisions or dog attacks. Many others are injured or caught in man-made objects, such as fencing and netting. Fawns require a calm and peaceful space to recover to ensure a successful release.

We admit hundreds of garden birds every year. Robins in particular fall victim to cat attacks which may require vet treatment and antibiotics to treat their wounds. Orphaned or abandoned chicks require hand rearing for several weeks before undergoing rehabilitation back to the wild.

Swans often fly into power lines, involved in road traffic collisions, predator attacks and suffer with nasty infectious diseases which require veterinary treatment. Pollution often causes damage to their delicate feather structure. Careful treatment washes can repair the damage. Discarded fishing lines and hooks become entangled or ingested by swans which often require veterinary procedures.
Not only will you be providing invaluable care and helping countless animals, but you will also receive an exclusive Sponsorship Pack, including species information, personalised certificate and photo. Also included are wildlife advice booklets, a copy of our latest newsletter and information about our work at Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital.
You also have the choice of a special gift. You can also chose not to receive a pack and to donate 100% of your sponsorship to help wildlife in our care. You can select your gift preference at the checkout.
(Please note that the contents shows part of a typical pack, and the content will vary depending on species of bird/animal sponsored. We may also vary the pack content to suit the recipient (e.g., if a child, or if stocks of certain items are limited.)